West Papua Army at the Central Defense Headquarters 1 December 2020
Stated in the official website of West Papua Army, the Central Defense Headquarters of West Papua Army declares full support to the formation of the Provisional Government of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (PC-ULMWP) on December 1, 2020, based on the Provisional Constitution of the ULMWP endorsed by the ULMWP Legislative Committee Council on 20 October 2020.
The ULMWP Legislative Committee endorsed the Provisional Constitution and submitted to the ULMWP Executive Committee to officially announce to the world. The Legislative Summit also proposed H.E. Benny Wenda as the Interim President and Rev. Edison Waromi as the interim Prime Minister of the ULMWP. The ULMWP Executive Committee held its Extra-Ordinary Summit on November 2020 and endorsed the Provisional Constitution and officially declared the formation of ULMWP Provisional Govenment.
The decision of the Executive Committee Summit was submitted to the Interim President in England and H.E. Benny Wenda announced the result on December 1st, 2020.
West Papua Army declare that from now of the army and West Papua police will protect the government the government and constitution of West Papua until Indonesia is out from West Papua territory which was previously called by the Dutch colony as the Netherlands New Guinea, UNTEA as West Irian, then colonial government of Indonesia as West Irian, Irian Jaya, Papua and Papua and Papua Barat provinces.
Gen. WPA Amunggut Tabi from West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA) states all parties should now submit themselves under the Provisional Constitution and work towards unified power-sharing government of West Papua.