MSG Director-General
The Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Secretariat formally received a voluntary contribution of 100,000USD (VT10.9 million) from the Indonesian National Police (INP) on Tuesday.
According to a statement by the MSG Secretariat, this contribution will aid the formulation of the MSG Regional Security Strategy (RSS).
This was made possible following a virtual handover ceremony between the two organisations, formally signed by the Director General of the MSG Secretariat, Mr Leonard Louma, OBE, and Head of the International Cooperation Division, INP, Police Inspector General Johni Asadoma.
In his remarks, DG Louma expressed deep appreciation to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, through the Indonesian National Police for supporting the development of the RSS, a member to the Working Group (WG). He also expressed his appreciation to the Chair of the RSS WG Meeting and Commander of the Fiji Military Forces, Major General Jone Kalouniwai for his ongoing support. DG Louma stated that the RSS WG was established to provide an avenue for discussing the development of the RSS, adding that in the face of the ever increasing and emerging threats to peace and security, it is incumbent on Members of the RSS WG to devise appropriate and relevant strategies to address common security challenges. “The importance of MSG RSS cannot be overstated. The current animated discussions on the Solomon Islands Government decisions with respect to its own security arrangements and the absence of Pacific Island input into the Indo-Pacific security narrative underscore the need for developing a RSS based on our needs and interests,” he emphasised.
He said the Agreement Establishing the MSG (in Article 3) recognises the importance of aligning policies to further advance MSG members’ shared goals of peace and security. He further emphasised the importance of the RSS to address common security threats and challenges in the MSG region for our future sustainable development and prosperity, as recognised in the MSG 2038 Prosperity for All Plan. DG Louma stated that strategy had five strategic priorities, each of which was informed by common security challenges facing the MSG region, and captures both traditional and non-traditional emerging security threats. He alluded to the existing MSG agreements and cooperation on the Formed Police Unit and the Humanitarian Emergency Response Coordinating Centre (HERCC) as supporting instruments that would complement the MSG Regional Security Strategy.
DG Louma hopes that the five identified strategic priorities of the MSG Security Strategy will surely complement and add value to some of the existing regional security initiatives as the Pacific Islands Forum’s Boe’s declaration. He said the national threats within Members’ jurisdictions are some of the emerging security threats that must also be explored in the formulation of the MSG RSS.
In conclusion, DG Louma said that as Director General of the MSG Secretariat, he will keep a keen eye on developments in the RSS. “While I am pleased to note the progress made to date, the Secretariat would obviously need adequate resources to be able to deliver on the Strategy,” he said. Finally, he echoed appreciation to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia for their contribution and unwavering commitment and support to the MSG.
The INP, in a statement, said that constructive engagement between Indonesia and the MSG will continue to be mutually beneficial, and will always be cemented by respect working relationship with each member. The INP is committed to hosting the 4th RSS WG meeting which was postponed in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and is looking at the possibility of physically hosting the next 4th RSS WG Meeting in Indonesia at a time to be determined. The last RSS WP Meeting was held in Nadi, Fiji in 2019.

Direktur Jenderal MSG, Amena Yauvoli, dengan Menteri Pertahanan dan Keamanan Nasional Fiji, Ratu Inoke Kubuabola, Pertemuan Strategi Keamanan Regional, Regional Security Strategy (RSS), MSG ke-2 di Hotel Tanoa International di Nadi pagi kemarin (26/7/2018). – Fiji Times/ Baljeet Singh
Nadi, Jubi – Menteri Pertahanan dan Keamanan Nasional Fiji, Ratu Inoke Kubuabola, telah meminta para pemimpin Melanesia, untuk mengatasi dengan tepat dan sigap semua ancaman internal dan eksternal, yang dapat bereskalasi menjadi isu-isu yang lebih besar.
Ratu Inoke mengemukakan hal ini dalam pembukaan pertemuan Strategi Keamanan Regional (RSS) MSG ke-2, di Hotel Tanoa International di Nadi pagi kemarin (26/7/2018), seraya menggarisbawahi pesatnya pembangunan dan banyaknya sumber daya sub regional yang tersedia di negara-negara Melanesia.
“Dalam upaya untuk meningkat dan memperkuat kerja sama sub regionalisme, kita telah menjadi lebih rentan terhadap berbagai ancaman keamanan internal dan eksternal, karena lokasi kita yang merupakan pintu gerbang ke Asia dan Pasifik; dan jika ancaman-ancaman ini tidak ditangani dengan tepat, mereka dapat meningkat menjadi masalah yang jauh lebih besar,” menurut Ratu Inoke.
Ancaman atau masalah keamanan kompleks dan multifaset yang dimaksud oleh Ratu Inoke, termasuk penangkapan ikan yang ilegal, tidak diatur, dan tidak dilaporkan (illegal, unreported, unregulated/IUU fishing), kejahatan terorganisasi transnasional, penyelundupan narkoba, perdagangan manusia, keamanan dunia maya, perubahan iklim, serta ancaman-ancaman non-tradisional lainnya.
“Tantangan yang terus berkembang seperti ini perlu ditangani dengan upaya kolaboratif bersama, dan oleh karena itu sebuah dokumen yang menyeluruh untuk mengatasi masalah ini diperlukan di dalam RSS.”
Ratu Inoke menerangkan setiap negara anggota MSG, juga dalam proses menyusun strategi keamanan nasional mereka masing-masing. Proses setiap negara ini akan melengkapi penyusunan RSS saat ini.
Pertemuan dua hari itu dihadiri oleh delegasi dari Fiji, Vanuatu, Kepulauan Solomon, dan Indonesia, semuanya negara yang akan bekerja sama dalam mengembangkan strategi keamanan kolaboratif wilayah MSG. Namun, pertemuan itu tidak dihadiri delegasi dari Papua Nugini.
Sementara itu, MSG berencana untuk mengerahkan satu unit polisi, yang terdiri dari 30 personel dari negara-negara anggotanya untuk membantu polisi nasional PNG, Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary, selama KTT APEC November mendatang. (Fiji Times)
Papua New Guinea begins finalizing preparations to host the 21st MSG Leaders’ Summit

Acting Secretary, Ms. Agelavu (4th from right) and DG Amena Yauvoli (3rd from right) with delegation from the MSG Secretariat & officials from the PNG Department of Foreign Affairs
The Director General of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Secretariat, Ambassador Amena Yauvoli is in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea from 17-19 January to meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Rimbink Pato, Acting Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Barbara Age, Commissioner of Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) and other senior Government Officials.
The purpose of the visit is to begin finalizing preparations for the upcoming 21st MSG Leaders’ Summit that will take place from 10-15 February 2018 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
The Director General reaffirms the MSG Secretariat’s full commitment to provide the necessary support to assist PNG host a successful Leaders Summit. He also emphasized the significance of the Leaders’ Summit as Papua New Guinea will assume the chairmanship of the MSG and its Constituent Bodies. The Director General informed PNG that the Secretariat is working round the clock to ensure all meeting papers are ready.
The Acting Secretary Ms. Age also emphasized that the priority for PNG at this Leaders’ Summit is focusing on Sustainable Development goals as outlined in the MSG 2038 Prosperity for all Plan. The theme for the Summit will therefore relate to peace and prosperity in the MSG. The PNG Government is undertaking necessary preparations to ensure the Leaders Summit is a success.
The Director General also met with the Acting Police Commissioner Jim Andrews to discuss the proposed Police Commissioners Conference (PCC) and Police Minister Meeting (PMM). The Police Ministers Meeting is convening to consider implementation of mandates relating to security issues, in particular the MSG security Assistance to PNG during the APEC Meeting. It is anticipated that detail discussions are going to take place with recommendations for Leaders endorsement.
Following the consultations, MSG members will be informed of the details of the organization of the 21st Leaders Summit so as to engender full and effective preparations.
Considering the time constraints ahead of the summit, both DG Yauvoli and Acting Secretary Age recognizes the pivotal importance of continuing our collaborations to ensure that all preparations are finalized before the summit and its constituent body meeting kick start.
18 January 2018, Port Moresby, PNG