West Papuan independence activists say the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua should form an independent nation free of Indonesia.(Foreign Correspondent: Andres Gomes Isaza)
Posted 22 Nov 202422 Nov 2024
A supporter of the independence of the West Papua with face painted with the colors, white, red and blue.
Despite the setbacks, hope persists the region can chart a path forward together.(AP: Achmad Ibrahim)
ShareFor a decade, Benny Wenda has tirelessly campaigned to secure West Papua‘s place in the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG), advocating for a voice in the regional arena.
As Chairman of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua, ULMWP, Wenda has consistently highlighted the deep cultural and racial ties that validate their claim for full membership, asserting that their rightful place in the MSG would enable them to address West Papua‘s Independence aspirations more effectively.
In 2023, hope surged among West Papuans as it seemed their long-standing efforts might finally bear fruit.
Hopes dashed for West Papua‘s inclusion
As the MSG convened in Vanuatu to deliberate on granting full membership to the United Liberation Movement, the mood was buoyant.
Back home, the West Papuan community prayed fervently, and villages celebrated, proudly displaying flags in a show of unity and optimism.
However, the joy was short-lived as the MSG ultimately denied West Papua‘s bid for full membership.
For West Papuan leader Benny Wenda, the fight continues, supported by activists operating in exile across the world.(Istimewa)
The disappointment was palpable, with Wenda expressing the widespread sadness and frustration that echoed across the region.
“At the time, everybody was upset and disappointed, both at home and among our Melanesian brothers and sisters,” he reflected.
The setback raises critical questions about the significance of MSG membership for West Papua‘s independence aspirations and sheds light on the complexities behind the decision-making processes of the region’s premier Melanesian body.
Looking back
For West Papuans, their lush green mountains and resource-rich land have been a battleground for decades.
The Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua, collectively known as West Papua by independence activists, have been under Indonesian rule for the past 50 years.
This region, once a tranquil paradise, has seen persistent conflict and strife, deeply affecting its people and their way of life.
Papuans vote in ‘act of free choice’ ballot.
Papuans vote in the Act of Free Choice ballot in 1969. Many felt the vote was unjust.
In the 1960s, control of what was then known as West Irian was transferred from the Netherlands to Indonesia.
West Papuan freedom activists argued for their right to independence under the UN’s 1960 Declaration on Decolonisation.
However, in 1969, Indonesia conducted the so-called Act of Free Choice referendum, where one thousand hand-picked representatives voted on behalf of the entire West Papuan population. The act, anticipated as a mere formality by the Indonesians, saw President Suharto declare any other outcome a betrayal, ensuring West Irian’s continued integration with Indonesia.
Indonesia declared a unanimous victory, but for most West Papuans, it felt like a robbery, sparking a civil war that has persisted ever since.
The Indonesian military has been accused of widespread human rights abuses, with hundreds of thousands believed to have died in the conflict and many more displaced. The shadow of violence and repression has hung over the region, stifling voices of dissent and hope for self-determination.
A map of eastern Indonesia.
West Papuan independence activists say the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua should form an independent nation free of Indonesia.(Foreign Correspondent: Andres Gomes Isaza)
Evolution of the WP cause
Despite the challenges, the West Papuan independence movement has evolved over the years.
In 2014, a significant milestone was reached in Vanuatu when different factions united to form the ULMWP.
This coalition represented a renewed hope for a collective struggle, striving to amplify their cause on international platforms and push for their long-desired independence.
Ronny Kareni, a West Papuan academic and activist, was in Port Vila when the ULMWP was established. He said the unified front gave new hope to West Papuans and the movement.
“This came out at the end of the Melanesian Spearhead Group meeting in 2013 in Kanaky, New Caledonia. There are two factions. A faction of the movement or the political entity making representation and so there was a call for a unified front,” he said.
“So the inception of United Liberation Movement for West Papua came at the end of 2014, whereby Vanuatu government, the multiple other customary council, the Chief of Council came together…”
The MSG is the premier regional organisation for Melanesian countries in the Pacific, comprising Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji, and New Caledonia’s Kanak Socialist National Liberation Front party as full members.
While the ULMWP has observer status within the group, Indonesia is an associate member.
West Papua, an uncomfortable topic
The inclusion of Indonesia in the initial stages was an uncomfortable subject for Melanesian countries like Vanuatu, which have long supported the West Papuan cause.
And the discomfort continues with Indonesia’s presence in the MSG.
Vijay Naidu, an adjunct professor of governance and international affairs at the University of the South Pacific, highlights that the different relationships between Indonesia and individual Melanesian countries influence decisions in the MSG.
“Each one of the countries has had a kind of different position on West Papua and relationship with Indonesia. So, I suppose if you look at it, since the mid-1980s, Vanuatu has been the most consistent followed by the Solomon Islands to some extent in terms of pushing for greater freedoms, reduction in human rights violations, and independence for West Papua.
“On the other hand, perhaps with equal consistency, Papua New Guinea and Fiji have been at odds and uncomfortable about the push for independence for West Papua and that has basically been influenced by the extent to which they relate to Indonesia.
“So these contrasting positions then enter into the debates and discussion within the spearhead group.”
Kanaky, Bougainville & West Papua
While it is tempting to draw comparisons between Independent movements in Kanaky, Bougainville and West Papua, each of the cases is vastly different.
France is a colonial power with the Kanaky people pushing for Independence.
Bougainville remains part of Papua New Guinea until the Independence referendum is ratified by the PNG Parliament.
West Papua is represented by an organisation — the ULMWP — with the Indonesian government reaffirming that the region remains an integral part of Indonesia.
In 2023, the Melanesian Spearhead Group’s most recent communique stated that the United Liberation Movement for West Papua did not meet the existing criteria for full membership, and the group could not reach a consensus on the issue.
Hope for the future
The leaders of the Melanesian Spearhead Group are tasked with balancing delicate international politics alongside a desire to support human rights, making their decisions complex and multifaceted.
For West Papuan leader Benny Wenda, the fight continues, supported by activists operating in exile across the world, including figures like Ronny Kareni.
Despite the setbacks, they persist in their hope that through political dialogue, the region can chart a path forward together, seeking justice and recognition for West Papua.