Gen. WPRA Amunggut Tabi from the West Papua Army sends this public letter to the United Liberation

These 42 Regions/ Nations will be Free from Indonesian empire
Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), Republic of South Molucass and Free Aceh Movement (GAM) to organise and form an organisation called
This organisation will cooperate with various supporters around the world
The countires/ nations/ regions who are ready and have been fighting to be free from Indonesian empire are as follows:
- Republic of West Papua
- Republic of South Moluccas
- Free Aceh Movement
- Free Bali
- Free Borneo Merdeka (Borneo)
- Free Minahasa (Nort Sulawesi)
- Free Pasundan Merdeka
- Free Riau Movement
- Free Sangir-Talau
Please Click and read this link that says there will be 43 countries to be declared independent from Indonesia