Port Vila, Jubi – Vanuatu belum pernah menyaksikan curahan kesedihan sekaligus kekaguman sebelum hari kemarin. Banyak yang hidup hari ini mungkin tidak akan dapat melihat hal seperti ini seumur hidup mereka.
Pemakaman Presiden Vanuatu, Baldwin Lonsdale, dihadiri oleh kepala negara dari Fiji, Selandia Baru dan Australia, yang diadakan di rotunda Parlemen, yang umumnya dikenal sebagai ‘gading babi’ karena arsitektur spiralnya.
Mereka bergabung bersama-sama pejabat dari China, Amerika Serikat, Tonga dan negeri-negeri lain.
Layanan pemakaman dilakukan oleh Uskup Melanesia, karena menghormati status Tuan Lonsdale sekalipun ia sebagai pendeta di Gereja Anglikan.
Di depan upacara berlangsung khidmat di hadapan Perdana Menteri Vanuatu Charlot Salwai, para menteri dan anggota parlemennya.
Pemimpin Oposisi Ismael Kalsakau dan ratusan orang dari semua kalangan, paduan suara membuka kebaktian dengan membawakan lagu musikal Mazmur ke 23.
Di luar Parlemen, ribuan anak sekolah dan khalayak umum berbaris di jalan, menunggu iring-iringan keranda yang akan mengawal tubuh almarhum Presiden ke bandara, di mana ia akan diterbangkan ke kepulauan Banks, rumahnya.
Setelah kebaktian, peti mati Lonsdale dimuat ke bagian belakang sebuah truk flatbed yang dihiasi bunga dan bendera Vanuatu. Hal itu menyebabkan banyak kendaraan melewati jalan-jalan utama Port Vila.
Jalanan itu dilapisi bunga sepanjang rute jalur. Di daerah Manples, jalan dilapisi dengan bunga calicos berwarna cerah. Saat prosesi berlalu, para pedagang pasar menyanyikan lagu berbahasa Tonga bagi iring-iringan penghormatan figur yang paling dihormati setelah Bapak Bangsa Vanuatu Walter Lini, Perdana Menteri pertama negeri itu.
Sulit memperkirakan secara akurat jumlah orang yang menempuh rute sepanjang 6 kilometer tersebut, karena belum pernah terjadi iring-iringan sedemikian banyak dalam ingatan masyarakat.
Raut kesedihan dan kekaguman tak terbatas di Vanuatu saja. Bersolidaritas pada bangsa ini, bendera berkibar setengah tiang kemarin di Australia, Selandia Baru dan di lokasi lain di seluruh kepulauan Pasifik.
Jasad Lonsdale diterbangkan ke kepulauan Banks kemarin (21/6), dan upcara duka oleh masyarakat provinsi Torba hari ini (22/6). Tubuhnya akan disemayamkan di Sola, Vanua Lava besok (23/6).(*)
Baldwin Lonsdale

Almarhum Presiden Vanuatu, Baldwin Lonsdale (1950-2017) – IST
Jayapura, Jubi – United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) turut berduka atas wafatnya Presiden Vanuatu, Baldwin Lonsdale Sabtu 17 Juni, di Port Vila Vanuatu. Baldwin ‘Womtelo’ Lonsdale dianggap sebagai Pahlawan Melanesia sejati bagi West Papua.
Juru Bicara ULMWP Benny Wenda, seperti dilansir Vanuatu Daily Post, Senin (19/6/2017) mengungkapkan belasungkawanya atas nama rakyat West Papua kepada pemerintah dan rakyat Vanuatu atas kematian Presiden Lonsdale yang mendadak tersebut.
“Atas nama rakyat West Papua dan ULMWP kami haturkan duka cita tulus dan mendalam serta penghormatan kami kepada pahlawan sejati Melanesia, Presiden Vanuatu Yang Mulia Baldwin Lonsdale …serta duka kami kepada semua teman dan keluarga Presiden Lonsdale dan seluruh bangsa Vanuatu.” ujar Wenda dalam pernyataan yang juga dirilis situs pribadinya di hari kematian Lonsdale.
Menurut Wenda, Presiden Lonsdale selama ini menjadi inspirasi bagi perjuangan pembebasan Papua karena telah lantang berbicara, membantu dan membangun solidaritas Melanesia.
Di tahun 2014, Lonsdale adalah tokoh kunci dalam membantu pembentukan United Liberation Movement for West Papua. “Presiden Lonsdale juga negarawan terkenal, sangat dicintai di seluruh wilayah Melanesia karena punya sikap tegas terhadap korupsi dan sangat bersemangat mengadvokasi Hak Azasi Manusia,” ujar Wenda.
Sejak awal, lanjutnya, Vanuatu adalah pendukung sejati West Papua, “dari mulanya (kami) sendirian kini terus bertambah dukungan dari banyak bangsa di dunia.”
“Setiap saya berkunjung ke Vanuatu, saya merasa ada di rumah sendiri bersama saudara-saudari sejiwa,” tulis Wenda sembari menambahkan berkat figur-figur seperti Lonsdale West Papua tidak merasa sendiri dalam perjuangannya melawan pendudukan ilegal Indonesia.
10 hari duka cita
Sepuluh hari duka cita ditetapkan oleh pemerintah Vanuatu yang berduka atas kematian Baldwin Lonsdale yang juga seorang Pendeta tersebut. Kematiannya yang tiba-tiba mengejutkan rakyat negeri itu.
Bendera setengah tiang tanda duka cita telah dikibarkan, dan Rabu (21/6) seluruh rakyat Vanuatu akan diliburkan untuk mengenang dan berdoa untuk almarhum. Di hari yang sama jasadnya akan dikirimakan ke kampung halamannya di Provinsi Torba.
Libur ‘duka nasional’ itu disampaikan oleh Juru Bicara Parlemen Esmon Sae, Sabtu (18/6) lalu dalam kapasitasnya sebagai Pelaksana Tugas Kepala Negara.
Jasadnya telah dibawa ke Gedung Negara Sabtu sore lalu di State Nakamal hingga Rabu mendatang untuk penghiburan keluarga dan kerabat.
“Sejarah akan selalu mengingat dia dan upayanya bagi rakyat West Papua serta rakyat seluruh dunia yang berjuang untuk perdamaian, keadilan dan kebebasan,” ujar Wenda dalam pernyataannya.
Semangat Lonsdale, lanjutnya, akan terus hidup dan menginspirasi di hati rakyat Melanesia dan Pasifik, “juga di hati kami, rakyat West Papua yang akan terus berjuang untuk pembebasan bersama semangat jiwa-jiwa para pendahulu yang telah gugur. Tuhan berkati dirimu, Republik Vanuatu dan Pasifik,” tulis Wenda.
Salah seorang saudara laki-laki Presiden Lonsdale, Royson Lonsdale, di kampungnya di Nereningman, Pulau Motalava di Torba mengucapkan terima kasih atas perhatian banyak pihak atas peristiwa duka tak terduga tersebut.
“Perasaan kami dan juga seluruh hidup Presiden Baldwin Lonsdale benar-benar milik bangsa ini dan rakyat Vanuatu,” kata dia.
Sesaat setelah terpilih sebagai Presiden, Baldwin Lonsdale dijuluki dengan sebutan ‘Womtelo’ oleh para tetua adat dari kampungnya, yang berarti ‘Mata Sang Mentari’.
Dia meninggal dunia di Port Vila pada Sabtu (17/6) dini hari, setelah berjuang melawan serangan jantung yang ia derita pada Jumat (16/6) malam. Namun, setibanya di Rumah Sakit Vila Central, nyawanya tak dapat terselamatkan lagi. Ia wafat pada usianya yang ke-67 tahun.(*)

His Last Prayer for His Nation and People
This was the last public prayer offered by President Baldwin Lonsdale for his nation and people.
His Standing in Vanuatu community as well as in the region as a; priest, administrator, educator, customary chief, and the President of the Republic of Vanuatu until his death last Saturday morning speaks for itself.
This prayer was offered at a special gathering of the Pacific Prayer Assembly in Port Vila last month.
“Both our forefathers’ house and us today, we have acted very corruptly against You, your messengers and we have not kept the commandments and statutes, which you command, Your statutes, nor the ordinances which You commanded.
“Just like Jeremiah prayed, we come before you this morning to pray the same prayer; saying:
“O Lord, though our iniquities testify against us, do it for your Namesake; for our backslidings are many.
“We have sinned against you. We acknowledge, O Lord, our wickedness, and the iniquity of our fathers, for we have sinned against you.
“O Lord, Great and Awesome God, who keeps your Covenant and mercy with those who love you and with those who keep your Commandments, we have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly and rebelled, even departing from your precepts and Your judgments.
“Neither have we heeded Your servants the Prophets who spoke in Your Name….O Lord, to us belong shame of face, to our national leaders and our fathers, because we have sinned against You….we have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in your laws which you set before us by your servants the prophets.
“Yes, Vanuatu has transgressed Your law, and has departed so as not to obey Your Voice; therefore the curse and the oath written in the law of Moses, your servant, has been poured out on us, because we have sinned against you.
“Awesome God, let Your anger and your fury be turned away from your people, your country whom we say “In You O God We Stand”; because of our sins, and for the iniquities or our fore-fathers and Vanuatu and Your people are reproach to all those around us… O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act…
“Awesome God, as we pray the prayers stated in 2nd Chronicles 7:14, “If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn away from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their name”.
“We believe whole heartedly that you have heard our prayers.
“We stand today in the very premises where our Legislation are done, and before the Members of Parliament, and your children, we are hereby Affirming with you our Covenant that was signed in 2002. Forgive, pardon, heal our land and bestow upon us your abundant Blessing.
“All Glory, Power and Honor is returned back to you which you rightly deserved. Through Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen.”
- Source: http://dailypost.vu/ – ligo@dailypost.vu

A Pacific Youth Council Partners Rountable gathering yesterday paid tribute to the late President of Vanuatu hailing him as one of the greatest youth champion in the region
A Pacific Youth Council Partners Rountable gathering yesterday paid tribute to the late President of Vanuatu hailing him as one of the greatest youth champion in the region.
Pacific Youth Council executives and representatives from over 14 countries dedicated a minute of silence to honour the life of President Fr. Baldwin Lonsdale Womtelo of Vanuatu who passed away three days ago.
Leading the session, Vanuatu National Youth Council’s Principal Administrator, Joe Kalo, said the passing of the late President Womtelo would be mourned not just by the VNYC but by the region because of his unwavering stance and commitment to youth empowerment and his personal interest in the development of the Vanuatu Youth Council.
“When we had that audience with him, he told us about the status of the Youth Bill as he has met the PM (Kilman) to ask for his support for the Bill.
“It’s an immense loss for us as Vanuatu youth that someone who has supported and championed the cause of youth at the highest political office of the country has passed on but his legacy and his commitment to social justice we hope to continue the good work that he has left behind,” Kalo said.
Womtelo’s state funeral took place yesterday at Port Vila’s Parliament House.
The youth participants had earlier visited the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat in Suva where they presented recommendations to sustain youth voices in regional discourse to PIFs deputy secretary general, Crystal Pratt.
Speaking on behalf of the 20 youth leaders from the regional, Niue Youth Council’s Ina Vakaafi said the PYC is asking the Forum to increase prioritisation on key youth issues.
“We invite the Forum to consider some of our key youth asks including that the outcome of FEMM specifically on youth employment and entrepreneurship is implemented, as an avenue to address the critical issue of unemployment in the Region,” Vakaafi said.
“The inclusion of youth representatives or ‘voice’ in key regional policy spaces such as the Sustainable Development Goals process, Framework on Resilience, CSO Dialogue and the Forum Leaders Meeting to name a few.”
“That the Forum Secretariat considers having a youth desk officer within the Forum Secretariat or similar to the current arrangement of having the Gender & Disability Officer. This we feel enables the visible presence of youth issues within the Forum Secretariat.”
She said PYC hoped that youth would be prioritised with with the Forum Leaders and regional civil society organisation’s position papers for the Forum must include youth as one of the priorities.
An electoral college will convene to select a new president of Vanuatu on July 3.
The head of state position was left vacant after President Baldwin Lonsdale died on Saturday.
According to a writ issued by the chief justice, nominations for presidential candidates can be filed before next Wednesday.
The electoral college will then vote to nominate a candidate.
The college consists of the 52 members of parliament, the presidents of local government councils and the mayors of Vanuatu’s three municipalities.
In 2014, the electoral college went through eight rounds of voting before President Lonsdale received the outright majority needed to become president.

Large Crowd at the Port Vila Airport to say Goodbye to the body of the Late Lonsdale
The University of the South Pacific (USP) extended its heartfelt sympathy to the families and friends of the late President Baldwin Womtelo Lonsdale, the government and people of Vanuatu.
President Lonsdale served as the Chancellor of USP for a period of one year from July 2015 to 2016 with distinction, said the Acting Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Derrick Armstrong.
“USP is deeply saddened by his sudden passing.
“His chancellorship was inspiring and we (USP) admire the passion which he advocated for the university.
“He had strong leadership and integrity brought to his office.
“The institution for higher education is grateful for his services.
“Everyone in the region who have followed developments in Vanuatu in the past years have the highest regard and admiration for the way he leads and made decisions for his country, especially during trying times,” said Professor Armstrong.
The late President was instrumental in mobilizing the rehabilitation efforts after cyclone Pam and was a champion of anti-corruption in Vanuatu.
He served his people and his country admirably until he died from a heart attack last Saturday.
He will always be remembered for his transparent and accountable leadershi
- By Anita Roberts, Vanuatu Daily Post

Children are lining the route from the Vanuatu parliament to the airport as the funeral procession takes the President Baldwin Lonsdale back to his home. Photo: Vanuatu Daily Post
Schoolchildren are lining the route from Vanuatu’s parliament to the airport today to farewell the country’s late president Baldwin Lonsdale.
Thousands of people have been paying their respects to Father Lonsdale who died after a suspected heart attack at the weekend.
Father Lonsdale’s body was moved from State House early this morning for the funeral at parliament buildings in the capital Port Vila.

People in Port Vila mourn during the funeral procession of the late president Baldwin Lonsdale Photo: Vanuatu Daily Post
The governors-general of New Zealand and Australia, Fiji’s president and representatives from the US, Britain, Indonesia and New Caledonia are among foreign dignitaries attending the service.
The day has been declared a public holiday and shops will close as the cortege makes its way to the airport where the Vanuatu mobile force will fire a salute.
RNZ International correspondent Len Garae is at the airport in the capital.
“It is raining in Port Vila and it is also raining in the hearts of the population of Port Vila because of the loss of the President of the Republic,” he said.
“There are people arriving at the airport dressed all in black while all along the streets of Port Vila, all secondary school students, hundreds, even thousands are lining the streets in preparation to farewell his body.

Vanuatu’s prime minister Charlot Salwai and staff from his office pay their last respects to President Baldwin Lonsdale in Port Vila on 19 June 2017. Photo: Hilaire Bule
Two government ministers will be among those accompanying Father Lonsdale’s coffin on the charetered flight to his home island of Motalava where a traditional ceremony will take place.
After a brief stop it will continue on to Vanualava island, the president’s final resting place.

Vanuatu’s prime minister Charlot Salwai pays his respects to the late president Baldwin Lonsdale during his lying in state June 2017 Photo: Hilaire Bule
Father Lonsdale will always be remembered as the people’s president.
Vanuatu’s National Council of Women says Father Lonsdale leaves a big legacy behind as he was a big supporter of women’s issues and equality.
The council’s executive director Leias Cullwick said her group paid their respects to Father Lonsdale’s family.
“With our condolence message, we told the family that as far as the National Council of Women working with the women, and the feedback we get from the provinces and the islands where the president visited, we said that we will always remember him as the people’s president,” she said.
Leias Cullwick said this was a very sombre and sad time for the country.
Father Lonsdale is survived by six children and 10 siblings.

Children are lining the route from the Vanuatu parliament to the airport as the funeral procession takes the President Baldwin Lonsdale back to his home. Photo: Vanuatu Daily Post
Schoolchildren are lining the route from Vanuatu’s parliament to the airport today to farewell the country’s late president Baldwin Lonsdale.
Thousands of people have been paying their respects to Father Lonsdale who died after a suspected heart attack at the weekend.
Father Lonsdale’s body was moved from State House early this morning for the funeral at parliament buildings in the capital Port Vila.

People in Port Vila mourn during the funeral procession of the late president Baldwin Lonsdale Photo: Vanuatu Daily Post
The governors-general of New Zealand and Australia, Fiji’s president and representatives from the US, Britain, Indonesia and New Caledonia are among foreign dignitaries attending the service.
The day has been declared a public holiday and shops will close as the cortege makes its way to the airport where the Vanuatu mobile force will fire a salute.
RNZ International correspondent Len Garae is at the airport in the capital.
“It is raining in Port Vila and it is also raining in the hearts of the population of Port Vila because of the loss of the President of the Republic,” he said.
“There are people arriving at the airport dressed all in black while all along the streets of Port Vila, all secondary school students, hundreds, even thousands are lining the streets in preparation to farewell his body.

Vanuatu’s prime minister Charlot Salwai and staff from his office pay their last respects to President Baldwin Lonsdale in Port Vila on 19 June 2017. Photo: Hilaire Bule
Two government ministers will be among those accompanying Father Lonsdale’s coffin on the charetered flight to his home island of Motalava where a traditional ceremony will take place.
After a brief stop it will continue on to Vanualava island, the president’s final resting place.

Vanuatu’s prime minister Charlot Salwai pays his respects to the late president Baldwin Lonsdale during his lying in state June 2017 Photo: Hilaire Bule
Father Lonsdale will always be remembered as the people’s president.
Vanuatu’s National Council of Women says Father Lonsdale leaves a big legacy behind as he was a big supporter of women’s issues and equality.
The council’s executive director Leias Cullwick said her group paid their respects to Father Lonsdale’s family.
“With our condolence message, we told the family that as far as the National Council of Women working with the women, and the feedback we get from the provinces and the islands where the president visited, we said that we will always remember him as the people’s president,” she said.
Leias Cullwick said this was a very sombre and sad time for the country.
Father Lonsdale is survived by six children and 10 siblings.

The Government has declared a 10-day period of national mourning from June 17 to 26 following the passing of President Baldwin Womtelo Lonsdale.
The Government has declared a 10-day period of national mourning from June 17 to 26 following the passing of President Baldwin Womtelo Lonsdale.
He was the first Vanuatu president who died whilst in office.
His sudden death shocked the whole nation.
Flags are flown at half-mast as a sign of respect and mourning.
Wednesday (June 21) this week has been declared public day and everyone working will take the day off to mourn the loss of the leader, whose body is expected to be sent to Torba Province that day.
This declaration of public holiday was made by the Speaker of Parliament, Esmon Sae, on Saturday in his capacity as the Acting Head of State.
The Medical Superintendent at Vila Central Hospital (VCH) Dr. Santus Wari has confirmed the president died from heart attack.
His body was moved from VCH to the State House on Saturday evening where he was kept at the State nakamal for families to share sympathy.
The State nakamal is where foreign diplomats meet the President to present their credentials.
The body will lie in state there until Wednesday.
The Speaker of Parliament will receive the body of the Head of State at 6.50am on Wednesday at the Parliament House where it will be escorted to the pig’s tusk area for foreign dignitaries, provincial communities and business houses to share their condolences.
A funeral service will be held before the body of the Head of State leaves Port Vila to be flown to his final resting place at home in Torba Province.
National dignitaries will share their grief from today (Monday) until tomorrow.
According to the official state program, Malvatumauri Council of Chiefs will lead, followed by the Speaker of Parliament and staff of parliament, Prime Minister (PM) and staff of line departments, Chief Justice and judiciary staff, Deputy PM and staff, Ministers of Finance, Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs, Education, Heath, Justice and Community Service Agriculture, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Lands and Natural Resources and staff of line departments.
Then the Leader of Opposition, Members of Parliament, Mayor of Port Vila and staff of the Council, Chairman of Vanuatu Christian Council, Police Commissioner, ending with the Minister of Youth and staff.
The former presidents of Vanuatu will pay respect tomorrow (Tuesday) including former prime ministers, President of Shefa Council and staff, Vanuatu National Women Council, Vanuatu National Youth Council, Diplomatic corps, International, Regional and National Organizations.
The 10-day mourning period ends on Monday next week.

Father Baldwin Lonsdale, President of Vanuatu
His body will lie in state at the State House in Port Vila on Monday and Tuesday with a funeral service to be held at Parliament House midweek.
Our correspondent in Vanuatu Len Garae said the country was in mourning.
“The president’s sudden passing is still a shock to the whole country because since Vanuatu gained its independence from Britain and France almost 37 years ago, there have been six different presidents but none have passed away while in office and so this has come to the country as a real shock and the whole country is in mourning,” he said.
Len Garae said Father Londsale, the first president to pass away while in office, had given instructions on his burial.
“The body is going to be flown home to his home island of Mota Lava in the Banks Group in the Torba Province, which is up north in the country and not far from the Solomons and this is where he is going to be laid,” he said.
“There are reports that he specifically requested that if something should happen to him, that he preferred to be buried in the grave next to his dear wife, on his home island.”
All flags are at half mast in honour of Father Lonsdale.

PM Charlot Salwai covers himself with a ceremonial red m
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