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Systematic Racism: The root of Papua’s problem is the character of Indonesia authorities

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Rev. Dr. Socratez S.Yoman, MA, President of the Alliance of West Papua Baptist Churches. Member of Papuan Church Council (DGP).

Rev. Dr. Socratez S.Yoman, MA, President of the Alliance of West Papua Baptist Churches. Member of Papuan Church Council (DGP).

By Rev. Dr. Socratez S.Yoman, MA

“Cast the net to the right side of the boat, and you will find some.”(John 21: 6-NRSV).

SYSTEMIC RACISM means that Indonesia has occupied and colonized the Papuans who have been subjected in all systems in a structured and systematic manner in government, security, economy, education, health and culture.

Racism is the enemy of God. Racism is the enemy of all humanity. Racism is very much detested and rejected by all humanity. Because racism degrades human dignity.

The Indonesian authorities who occupied, colonized, and oppressed and exterminated the Indigenous People of Papua (POAP) possessed the character and spirit of RACISM. The Indonesian colonial authorities and the TNI-Polri (military-police) who own the character of RACISM always protect themselves and hide behind political stigma: separatism and treason in the interest of national security and jargon NKRI (Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia) jargon as a fixed price.

The Indonesian authorities, the TNI-Polri and the Indonesian people value and place the Indigenous People of Papua (POAP) as second-class humans, even equated with animal degrees, namely:

“Monkeys, moles, dogs, pigs and gorillas.”

There is a saying of racism against the “national hero” Frans Kasiepo in the currency of Rp. 10,000. Narazisah Asril in her account: “I disagree with the picture of the new money that looks like a monkey !!! Instead of putting on the face of a hero, why put a face like that.”
(Read: Against Racism and Stigma in the Land of Papua, Yoman, 2020: p. 17).

Indonesian people insult and demean the indigenous people of Papua with a cruel racism depicted with a photo coupled with Natali’s Pigai with a monkey / gorilla.

Siti Fatimah: Jokowi My President: “This is his loyal friend.”

Franz Or DaNi: “Not friends but twins wkwkwkwkwk.”

Santoko: “Very fitted. Siamese twins. But according to their nature it may be better they wear no clothes.”

Eleser: “If this man goes out at night without any light, people will be scared.”

Sukwan Hendra: “Siamese twins.”

Muljasta Yasta: “If one of them doesn’t wear clothes it is hard to distinguish …”

Captain Kalto: “Make them twins. Match.”

Indra Yafkhi: Indra is more humane and understands the negative impacts of racism: “This kind of posting can cause a riot, this is called racism … Please respect your own brother.”

(Read the Book: Pastoral Letters to the Ecumenical Forum of the Papuan Churches (2012: 2018) p. 11).

Natalis Pigai responded to the utterances of RACISM as follows:

“The Melanesian Papuans must know and realize that we are monkeys / gorillas living in this country. The Lord never sleeps. The international accusation that there is a Genocide (slow motion genocide) against the Papuans and the Papuans will be extinctic is becoming increasingly apparent There is no safety of living together in this country, Indonesia will disperse in 2030. Moreover, this humiliation was massively issued by Siti Fatimah and friends, they are the supporters of Ir Joko Widodo, an honorable President, Supreme Leader of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The President very well knew since last year I have said that 723 people expressed racial expressions to me but instead the President did nothing to protect me, while at that time my position was the Chairperson of the National Commission on Human Rights, a State Official to whom the President should certainly be empathetic and to eliminate the engagement of his supporters in racism. Today it is proven that the President had deliberately allowed the soul of racism of his supporters to grow and develop. ” (Natalius Pigai, Victim of Racism).

In Kompas TV on October 27, 2019, Mahfud MD, Coordinating Minister of Political Law and Security of the Republic of Indonesia with a spirit of racial discrimination said: “Separatism is more dangerous than radicalism … we must crush separatism.”

The ruler whose character and spirit of racial discrimination is always hiding behind the stigma of separatism and treason. Javanese puppetry was used in the occupation and subjection of the people and nation of West Papua. The mastermind is racism but the puppet stigma is Separatism and Treason.

The Indonesian authorities and the Army and Police (TNI-Polri) in the colonization and subjection of the Indigenous People of Papua (POAP) who have the character of RACISM have always masked that with the stigma or myths of separatism and treason, were revealed on 15-17 August 2019 in Semarang, Malang and Yogyakarta carried out by radical mass organizations such as: Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Pancasila Youth Organization(PP), Forum of Communication for Retirees from the TNI (FKPP) and supported by security forces.

Because racism is the enemy of God and the common enemy of humanity, all the indigenous Papuans from Sorong-Merauke rose up together and fought against the actions of racism on 29 August 2019.

To approach and respond to this peaceful demonstration against RACISM, the National Police Chief and TNI Commander are based in Papua. Indonesian Police Chief, Police General Tito Karnavian and Commander in Chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto decided to base their offices in Jayapura, Papua, starting Monday (2/9/2019) to the following week of Sept 2019.

The National Police Chief and the TNI Commander are based in Papua to respond to the popular resistance against racism is not the right solution. This is an inseparable part of the State’s panic over the uncovering of the hidden character of RACISM all this time, so all Army and Police (TNI-Polri) forces are mobilized in Papua. Their main goal is to bend and hide the root cause of problems in Papua, namely RACISM.

The correct and measurable solution should be to arrest, put on trial and punish in prison those who have declared RACISM, rather than the police are busy blaming those who have reacted and demonstrated due to the events of RACISM. This is named Exorcising Smoke but not Extinguishing the Embers.

There is a difference and a wide gap between the peaceful demonstration against RACISM on 29 August 2019 and 23 September 2019.

The peaceful demonstration against racism on August 29, 2019 had a spirit of togetherness and strong solidarity throughout the people and nation of West Papua from Sorong-Merauke. The demonstration on this date has proven to the Indonesian colonialists with the RACISM character that the Indigenous People of Papua (Orang Asli Papuan) are peaceful, peace-loving and peaceful actors on their ancestral lands.

But, on the contrary, we see and watch the demo on September 23, 2019, it seems like there were two groups in this demo. There were groups that demonstrated pure peace to fight RACISM. But there were also groups that damaged and burned houses, kiosks, shops and government assets and even eliminated human lives. In the demo of this date there seems to be involvement of the hands of irresponsible people in it.

It becomes clear to the readers that the demonstration on 23 September 2019 was used to divert the issue of RACISM into political issues with the myth of TREASON directed at people who actually had no connection with the demonstration on 23 September 2019.

  1. Bazoka Logo; 2. Buchtar Tabuni; 3. Agus Kossay; 4. Steven Itlay; 5. Combo Fery; 6. Alexander Gobay; 7. Hengki Hilapok; 8. Irwanus Uropmabin; 10. Arina Lokbere; 11. Dano Tabuni ,; 12 Surya Anta; 13. Ambrose Mulait; 14. Charles Kossay; 15. Issay Wenda.

The arrest of 41 demonstrators who opposed racism were detained, processed, tried and sentenced in Jayapura. Their names are as follows: 1. Yosan Wenda. 2. Yoni Weya. 3. Aldi Tabuni. 4. Pandra Wenda. 5. Kogoya Preparation. 6. Yosan Wenda. 7. Dolvius Hisage. 8. Oktovianus Hisage. 9. Elo Hubi. 10. Micah Asso. 11. Michael Hilapok. 12. Imanuel Hubi. 13. Etama Ferries. 14. Welem Walilo. 15. Ronald Wandik. 16. Yoli Loho. 17. Agustinus Mohi. 18. Rupinus Tambonop. 19. Jan Piter Saramaja. 20. Jorgen Haibui. 21. Falerio Jaas. 22. Lanti Kawena. 23. Dorti Kawena. 24. Piter Meroje. 25. Yusuf M. 26. Lois Waswoi. 27. Vincen Gogopia. 28. Bendira Tabuni. 29. Pailes Yigibalom. 30. Biko Yalli Kogoya. 31. Abuwa Yikwa. 33. Jimrif Kogoya. 34. Assa Asso. 35. Meya Kamariki. 36. Yosael Gombo. 37. Elimus Bayage. 38. Yandu Kogoya. 39. Frozen Alpon. 40. Wakerkwa Tens. 41. Abraham Dote.

THE RACIAL DISCRIMINATION towards Papuans run NAKED by the Indonesian authorities. President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo demonstrated his view on this problem which is thick of racial discrimination, a.f.:

“Innalillahi, I on behalf of the government convey deep sorrow over the deaths of Randi and Yusuf, two students of the Halu Olea University in Kendari. May their struggle (victims) get a glorious place (in heaven). “

The President added: “I have also repeated from the beginning to the National Police Chief so that his ranks are not repressive. I ordered an investigation and the ranks of the National Police Chief said that there was no one in this demonstration bear weapons. So, there will be further investigation on this. ” (CNN Indonesia, 09/27/2019).

Then what about the deaths of Marselino Samon, Evert Mofu, Maikel Kareth, Otinus Lokmbere, Tery Wenda who were shot and stabbed to death by Army and Police (TNI-Polri) officials in collaboration with the Indonesian Community, the Red and White Front and Militia in Papua in August-September 2019?

The people and nation of West Papua have not been aware that the occupation and subjection of West Papua was based on the character and breath of RACISM which was packaged in the stigma of SEPARATISM. The character and spirit of RACISM from the Indonesian authorities was also packaged nicely in the form of Colonialism, Imperialism, Capitalism and Militarism.

For 74 years Indonesia, the Indonesian authorities educated all Indonesian people through various mass media and opportunities with lies about the problems of the people and nation of West Papua. So that some of the people of Indonesia view the people and people of West Papua with the framework of the Indonesian authorities having the character of RACISM. So that all Indonesian people have become victims of the interests of the Indonesian authorities. Most of the Indonesian people join in or tail-in with the character of RACISM to insult and hate the people of Papua. The authorities of the government of the Republic of Indonesia oppressed, colonized and destroyed the Indigenous Papuans, the Melanesian Race with the spirit and character of RACISM while covering and hiding to save their faces using the stigma of SEPARATISM.

Gross human rights violations have been committed by the State for 58 years because of RACISM. The Indonesian authorities and the Army and Police (TNI-Polri) apparatus were disturbed by the existence of the Melanesian race in West Papua. This race must be destroyed with stigma SEPARATISM, TREASON and OPM. Actually these are racist views but well packaged in political stigma so that the Indonesian people support this racist ruler.

The late Hermanus (Herman) Wayoi once said: “The Indonesian government only seeks to control this area, then plans to annihilate the Melanesian Ethnic and replace it with the Malay Ethnic from Indonesia. This is proven by bringing in thousands of transmigrants from outside the area to inhabit the fertile valleys in the Land of Papua. Two types of operations namely Military Operation and Transmigration Operations show no doubt an indication of the intent and purpose of eliminating the Melanesian Race on this land … ”(Source: Melanesian Ethnic Annihilation: Breaking the Silence in the History of Violence in West Papua: Yoman, 2007, p. 143). Quoted from the Paper Tanah Papua (Irian Jaya) Still in the Status of Colonies: Revealing the Conscience of the People of the Land of Papua (Bandar Numbay, Medio February 1999).

Wayoi also emphasized: “De facto and de jure Land of Papua or Irian Jaya is not included in the territory of Indonesia based on the Proclamation of August 17, 1945. So, Papua Land is not Indonesian territory, but is used as a shield / buffer or bumper area for the Republic of Indonesia” (Yoman: pp. 137-138 ).

Representatives of Papuan Indigenous Peoples as owners of LAND were not involved and the signing of the New York Agreement on 15 August 1962 between Indonesia and the Netherlands because the Papuans were considered stupid and ignored as a behavior of RACISM

There was a form of RACISM in the Implementation of the 1969 Pepera which was won by the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI now TNI) was very detrimental and against the will and political aspirations of all Indigenous Papuans who wanted to be independent in that time and instead members of the People Deliberation Council (PEPERA) were appointed by the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI) and suppressed under the muzzle of weapons.

Mr. Pieter Siradan testified: “Pak Yoman, after I read Pak Yoman’s books, I feel so very sorry. I used to be Judas because I was assigned by the State to supervise indigenous Papuans. I cried and shed tears because I had betrayed the Papuan people. I came here and arrived at the port of Jayapura on December 1, 1964. I was assigned by the state to win the 1969 Act of PEPERA and defend West Irian. The banner “One Man One Vote” which Ortiz Sanz where would pass and had been replaced with the planting of the” Red and White Flags. “I am very ashamed to live in this land. I also witnessed Mr. Eli Uyup who was shot dead by the TNI in 1966 in front of the Rex Theater (now: Jayapura Post Office ). His blood spat to my body and my hands were full of blood because I helped to lift his corpse, I pray that God will forgive my sins, Mr. Yoman “I know Papua must be independent and when Papua is free I will return to my hometown first.” (Source: Integration Is Not Yet Completed, Yoman, 2010, p. 91).

The abduction and killing of the anthropologists of West Papua’s people and a cultural figure of the people of West Papua, Arnold Clemens Ap on 26 April 1984 by KOPASSANDHA (now: KOPASSUS) constitutes a terrible violation of human rights as well as the killing and disappearance of artistic and cultural values are part of RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

Dr. George Junus Aditjondro in his book entitled: Morning Star Light, admitted: “… Papuan culture is so rich and dynamic (heterogeneous) that consists of more than 250 dialects of languages and ethnicities. Wealth and dynamism seemed to be considered a threat to the rulers of the corrupt military regime. So, the cultural wealth that strengthens Papuans’ identity was intentionally killed and supporters were intimidated and terrorized to leaving their own identity.” (2000: p.107)

The influx of large numbers of transmigrants to the Land of Papua could result in the indigenous people being driven out and their land being confiscated and losing their land forever. The behavior of the Indonesian authorities is a grave violation against human rights which is supported by the background of RACISM.

The division of the regencies and provinces without fulfilling the administrative requirements of the government such as: population, territory, human resources and natural resources are intelligence operations to get rid of and reduce, even annihilating Papuan Indigenous Peoples are RACISM-breathing operations.

The expression of the Indonesian authorities and the Army and Police (TNI-Polri) apparatus that the indigenous Papuans are primitive, backward, left behind by ignorance is a crime of racism which does not recognize the life and civilization of the Indigenous Papuans (POAP) who had everything before Indonesia occupied and colonized West Papua.

The racial views of the Indonesian people are always in conflict with the sovereignty and dignity of the Papuans. Indigenous People’s (POAP) civilization are Proven in the book: “We Drink Water from Our Own Wells “(Yoman, 2010, p. 92) the author explains as follows:

The word Ap Lani means: “independent people, people who have broad autonomy, free people, who are not regulated by anyone. They are people who always live in high awareness that they have life, they have language, they have history, they have land, they have mountains, they have forests, they have rivers, they have clear hamlets, they have bloodlines what is clear, they have clear beliefs, they have the ability to manage, and take care of anything, they never move places, they live in a disciplined and orderly manner, they have everything. “

Like late Father Frans Lieshout, OFM acknowledged: “I have learned a lot from Baliem people who are so humane. I still remember the Baliem community like we experienced when I first came to this area. We were well received and friendly, but they didn’t need anything from us, because they already had everything they needed. They seem healthy and happy, … We were amazed to see how Baliem people live in harmony … and the spirit of togetherness and unity … shaking hands in joy and sorrow … “(Source: Culture of the Hubula Tribe of Lembah Baliem-Papua, 2019, p. 85 -86).

Negative myths produced by the Indonesian authorities, the Army and Police (TNI-Polri) and the Indonesian people such as the Movement of Security Disruption (GPK), the Random Illegal Movement (GPL), the Armed Civil Criminal Group (KKSB) or the Armed Criminal Group (KKB), separatism and treason are the stigma paradigms that are motivated by the character of RACISM.

The division of the regencies and provinces without fulfilling the administrative requirements of the government such as: population, territory, human resources and natural resources are intelligence operations to get rid of and reduce, even annihilating Papuan Indigenous Peoples are RASISM-breathing operations.

The expression of the Indonesian authorities and the TNI-Polri apparatus that the indigenous Papuans are primitive, backward, left behind by ignorance is a crime of racism that does not recognize the life and civilization of the POAP which had everything before Indonesia occupied and colonized West Papua.

The racialist views of the Indonesian people are always in conflict with the sovereignty and dignity of the Papuans. Proven POAP civilization
in the book: We Drink Water from Our Own Wells “(Yoman, 2010, p. 92) the author explains as follows:

The word Ap Lani means: “independent people, people who have broad autonomy, free people, who are not regulated by anyone. They are people who always live in high awareness that they have life, they have language, they have history, they have land, they have mountains, they have forests, they have rivers, they have clear hamlets, they have bloodlines what is clear, they have clear beliefs, they have the ability to manage, and take care of anything, they never move places, they live in an orderly and orderly manner, they have everything. “

Like Father Frans Lieshout, OFM acknowledged:

“I have learned a lot from Baliem people who are so humane. I still remember the Baliem community like we experienced when I first came to this area. We were well received and friendly, but they didn’t need anything from us, because they already had everything they needed. They seem healthy and happy, … We were amazed to see how Baliem people live in harmony … and the spirit of togetherness and unity … shaking hands in joy and sorrow … “(Source: Culture of the Hubula Tribe of Lembah Baliem-Papua, 2019, p. 85 -86).

Negative myths produced by the Indonesian authorities, the TNI-Polri and the Indonesian people such as the Security Disruptive Movement (GPK), the Wild Troubling Movement (GPL), the Armed Civil Criminal Group (KKSB) or the Armed Criminal Group (KKB), separatism and treason are stigma paradigms that are motivated by the character of racism.

The West Papua National Liberation Army (TPN-PB) or the Free Papua Organization (OPM) is denigrated by the myth of the Armed Criminal Group that is a cruel colonial insult and that is the evidence of colonialism with the character of RASISM.

Indeed, the colonials never appreciated and recognized the superiority of the occupied and colonized nation. It is true that freedom and justice have never been given free as gifts to freedom fighters. Freedom must pay a price that is, sweat, blood, and includes slanted accusations from colonial racists like the Indonesian people.

Army (TNI) War in Nduga by order of the president of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo to pursue the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) is based on RACISM. Evidenced by the many civilians who became victims, lost their relatives, lost their homes, even the Nduga Native People have left their ancestral lands and become refugees.

The owners of companies who robbed land, forests and sea and mountain of Indigenous People of Papua (POAP) are supported by the government and the army and Police (TNI-Polri) apparatus are state crimes that creates Poverty of Indigenous Papuans in the system and are structurally preserved because of RACISM. The Indigenous Papuans are considered low like animals, so their land was robbed and made permanently poor and that was not a problem for the Indonesian colonial rulers who are RACISTS.

The expropriation of people’s land to build military and police installations throughout the West Papua Land of Sorong-Merauke is part of marginalizing the Papuans and this is inseparable and integration of RACIAL DISCRIMINATIVE actions.

RACISM is already naked everywhere throughout the West Papua LAND from Sorong-Merauke. In every hotel, super market, mall, restaurant, bank, gas station, most of the employees are almost 99.9% Indonesian Malays. This is the character and face of RACISM in front of our eyes.

Syed Husein Alatas correctly stated in his book: “The Lazy Native Myth: The Image of Javanese, Malays and Filipinos in Capitalism” says: “They must be looked down on and made to feel stupid and submissive, otherwise they will move to rebel.” (Alatas, 1988: p.37).

This book is written in the context of the colonial period in Indonesia and in the Philippines, but it is still very relevant and transcends all ages, so it looks exactly like this statement in the context of the reality of the colonial rule of Indonesia against the Indigenous People(POAP) population for 58 years.

The Indonesian authorities always closed their eyes, ears and pretended not to care about the shooting of the Indigenous Papuans (Orang Asli Papua) by the Army and Police (TNI-Polri) security forces because in the eyes of the Indonesian authorities, the Papuans with black skin and curly hair were not fit to live on this land of abundant wealth. Indonesian authorities and security forces love this land and natural resources more. So, the character of their RACISM is well packaged with the stigma of Indigenous People of Papua (OAP) being separatists and subversion that disturbs the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

Indonesian authorities’ policy of racial discrimination with a clear example is Aceh which was made a golden child but West Papua was totally ignored. The people of Aceh were allowed to fly their Flag of the Free Aceh Movement and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) were given space for a peaceful dialogue between the Indonesian government and GAM. However, the people and nation of Papua were arrested, tried and imprisoned when the Morning Star flag was raised. This is strong evidence of the cruellest racial discrimination committed by Indonesia against the People of West Papua.

Indonesian authorities, Army and Police (TNI-Polri) security forces and the Indonesian people occupied, colonized, and oppressed and exterminated the Indigenous Papuans based on racial discrimination, but they hid behind a separatist and rebellious stigma. Why?

  1. The stigma of separatism and treason for the rulers of Indonesia and the TNI-Polri is always safe and no one disturbs and highlights it because the state based their reasoning of sovereignty and the interests of the Republic of Indonesia.
  2. When the people and people of West Papua used racial discrimination data for 58 years, the Indonesian authorities and the security forces of the TNI-Polri were in an extraordinary panic. Because racism is an enemy of God. Racism is the enemy of all humanity. Racism is hated and rejected by all humanity. Because racism degrades human dignity. Racism is the cruellest crime of humanity.

So, “Cast the net to the right side of the boat, and you will find some.”(John 21: 6-NRSV), this means that all this time the struggle for political status of West Papua have used political data and data of gross human rights violations.

Try, now to use RACISM for the struggle for the political status of the people of West Papua, a crime in the 1969 Act which caused a gross violation of human rights for 58 years.

Prof. Dr. Franz Magnis-Suseno gave accurate and precise conclusions about the severe condition of the Papuan people so far in his book: Nationality, Democracy, Pluralism (2015, pp. 255, 257).

“… There is an impression that Papuans are treated as if they have not been recognized as human beings … The situation in Papua is bad, abnormal, uncivilized, and embarrassing, because it is closed to foreign media. Papua is a wound that rot in the body of the Indonesian people. ” (p. 255).

“… we will be exposed before the civilized world as a savage nation, a nation that kills Papuans, even without sharp weapons.” (p. 257).

Prayers and hopes of the author, this short article to be a blessing and enlightenment for readers.

Ita Wakhu Purom, Thursday, May 21, 2020

Author: President of the Alliance of West Papua Baptist Churches.
Member of Papuan Church Council (DGP).

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