From its official news site,, the West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA) Command firstly broadcaster to the world that a provisional constitution has been endorsed by West Papua Parliament yesterday morning, 18 October 2020, at 03:00AM in the morning.
Inner circle of the military wing (West Papua Army – WPA) says that Provisional Constitution of the Republic of West Papua or it is called in Malay-Indonesia as Undang-Undang Sementara Negaera Republik West Papua bas been endorsed by the West Papua Legislative Committee of the ULMWP.
The constitution contains 20 (XX) Chapters and 63 Articles, with 8 additional chapters for arrangements of amendments and further arrangements for implement the law.
Article 3 says as follows
Negara berkewajiban melindungi kebebasan masing-masing pihak dan makhluk menikmati kehidupan secara pribadi dan kelompok menurut kodratnya dan memajukan hak serta membela kepentingan segenap komunitas makhluk, melindungi segenap potensi budaya, tradisi, dan adat, dan mengupayakan tatanan dunia yang bebas dan berimbang, untuk keharmonisan hidup sesuai tradisi yang diwariskan nenek-moyang orang Papua ras Malenasia.
[Translation: The state is responsible to protect the freedom of each party and beings to enjoy life personally and collectively according to the law of the nature and promote the rights and defend the interests of all communities of beings, protect all cultural, traditional, and customary norms and values and endeavor world order that is free and balanced for harmonious living according to Melanesian wisdom that has been passed down to us today.]
Article 1 verse 2 says
Rakyat ialah segenap komunitas makhluk penghuni wilayah Wet Papua, yang terdiri dari manusia, makhluk roh, makhluk hewan, makhluk tumbuhan, benda alam dan bentang alam.
[Translation: The People is all communities of beings who dwell in West Papua territory, consists of human beings, spiritual beings, fauna, flora, matter and landscape]
These two articles clearly shows three things to all of us in the world, in this century that this constitution is purely inspired by Melanesian paradigm, Melanesian way of life, Melanesian norms and values:
- This constitution is written to help human beings sustain West Papua as habitable place for all communities of beings.
- It acknowledges non-human beings has the same rights as human beings within West Papua territory.
- It is written to promote Melanesian Way of Life to the world stage.