Prime minister Charlot Salwai has transferred Ground and Justice Party’s president, Ralph Regenvanu from ministry of lands to become new minister of foreign affairs.
Prime minister Charlot Salwai has transferred Ground and Justice Party’s president, Ralph Regenvanu from ministry of lands to become new minister of foreign affairs.
Mr Salwai has also transferred an other GJP MP, Alfred Maoh from the ministry of internal affairs to become new minister of lands.
Mr Salwai has also appointed MP for Malekula, Gracia Shedrack from Leaders Party as new minister for health. Mr Shedrack is replacing an other MP of Malekula Jerome Ludvaune. Mr Salwai also appointed GJP MP for Tanna, Andrew Napuat as new minister of internal affairs this morning. Mr Napuat is replacing Mr Maoh who has been transferred to the ministry of lands. Following the reshuffle and the appointment this morning, Mr Napuat and Mr Shedrack are the new ministers. Mr Leingkone and Mr Ludvaune are no longer state ministers.
Prime Minister Salwai has described the decisions taken by Mr Leingkone and Mr Ludvaune as honorable. Mr Salwai acknowledge the achievements made by Mr Ludvaune and Mr Leingkone during their term as state ministers.
Source:Â https://www.gov.vu/en/Â