.04 April 2018
Pre-Duty Travel Press Release
The MSG Secretariat team will be in Port Moresby from 9-13 April 2018, to hold discussions with key Forest agencies, the Papua New Guinea Forest Authority (PNGFA), the Conservation & Environment Protection Authority (CEPA), and the Climate Change Development Authority (CCDA) on a sub-regional collaborative approach to primary forest protection, wise use and livelihood development at community level in Melanesia with a common socio-economic and cultural context. The Secretariat is exploring options to partner with the Members in supporting livelihood-oriented community initiatives towards local, national and global objectives on forest protection.
The Forests of Melanesia are a vital natural asset underpinning the livelihoods of the majority of the people who are rural based subsistence farmers right across Melanesia, and close cooperation on its wise use and protection is key given the negative impacts of the rapidly expanding global & regional trade and investments in forests and land use, and the increasing threat from other socio-economic drivers.
The Forests in Melanesia provide a full range of services – including wildlife and plant habitat, food, medicines, fresh water, clean air, carbon sequestration, timber, fuel wood, flood regulation and erosion control, nutrient cycling, climate regulation, aesthetic and spiritual values.
The strong partnership with Griffith University of Australia for the last 6 years contributes technical assistance to the Sustainable Development Programme of the Secretariat.
Director General, Ambassador Amena Yauvoli and Programme Manager Sustainable Development, Mr Stanley Wapot will be representing the Secretariat during the national consultations in Port Moresby. Similar consultations will be conducted in the coming weeks in Honiara, Port Vila and Suva.
In addition, the Secretariat will be visiting the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade and the Office of the Prime Minister (Chairman of the MSG) while in Port Moresby for discussions on the MSG Programme.
For further information, please contact Mr Stanley Wapot – Programme Manager Sustainable Development on sj.wapot@msg.int
Source: MSG Secretariat

Tetepare Island, in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands, is one of the conservation jewels of the South Pacific Picture Source : http://www.tetepare.org
.04 April 2018
Pre-Duty Travel Press Release
The MSG Secretariat team will be in Port Moresby from 9-13 April 2018, to hold discussions with key Forest agencies, the Papua New Guinea Forest Authority (PNGFA), the Conservation & Environment Protection Authority (CEPA), and the Climate Change Development Authority (CCDA) on a sub-regional collaborative approach to primary forest protection, wise use and livelihood development at community level in Melanesia with a common socio-economic and cultural context. The Secretariat is exploring options to partner with the Members in supporting livelihood-oriented community initiatives towards local, national and global objectives on forest protection.
The Forests of Melanesia are a vital natural asset underpinning the livelihoods of the majority of the people who are rural based subsistence farmers right across Melanesia, and close cooperation on its wise use and protection is key given the negative impacts of the rapidly expanding global & regional trade and investments in forests and land use, and the increasing threat from other socio-economic drivers.
The Forests in Melanesia provide a full range of services – including wildlife and plant habitat, food, medicines, fresh water, clean air, carbon sequestration, timber, fuel wood, flood regulation and erosion control, nutrient cycling, climate regulation, aesthetic and spiritual values.
The strong partnership with Griffith University of Australia for the last 6 years contributes technical assistance to the Sustainable Development Programme of the Secretariat.
Director General, Ambassador Amena Yauvoli and Programme Manager Sustainable Development, Mr Stanley Wapot will be representing the Secretariat during the national consultations in Port Moresby. Similar consultations will be conducted in the coming weeks in Honiara, Port Vila and Suva.
In addition, the Secretariat will be visiting the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade and the Office of the Prime Minister (Chairman of the MSG) while in Port Moresby for discussions on the MSG Programme.
For further information, please contact Mr Stanley Wapot – Programme Manager Sustainable Development on sj.wapot@msg.int
Source: MSG Secretariat