Home » Wantok News Blog » MIS: Many Melanesian Leaders Trapped into Malay-Indos Game (Woman & Money)

MIS: Many Melanesian Leaders Trapped into Malay-Indos Game (Woman & Money)

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What West Papuans know is more than what other Melanesians know about Indonesia

West Papuans are the best Melanesians on this planet Earth to explain all about “who” Indonesia is and what it is doing today across the globe. West Papuans have been focusing more in Indonesia, spending more time watching and analyzing what Indonesia is, what it does an how it carries out its mission on this planet Earth.

However, what is happening today is not according to this reality. Many Melanesian leaders from Papua New Guinea to Fiji are considering themselves know more than those Melanesians in West Papua.

Melanesian Intelligence Services (MIS) Reports

By trusting their own judgement, which are still so poor about who is Indonesia, they have signed many agreements, and they have made many deals that make these Melanesian leaders become uneasy to speak loudly and honest about themselves, their dignity and their integrity in relation to their own “selves” being sacrificed in West Papua.

They become so “individualistic” and so blinding with the money and women that have been offered by Indonesia, very cheaply and very easily.

The Melanesian Intelligence Services (MIS) received a report today that there have been some Indonesian women operating across Melanesia, all the way from Raja Ampat in West Papua to Fiji (Nadi and Suva), as well as in Port Numbay (West Papua), Port Moresby (PNG), Honiara (Solomon Islands) and Port Vila (Vanuatu).

Now the question is “how do they come in?”

The first thing they bring in is “business deals”. First, they will sponsor international organisations, or international companies. Then they will come to you bringing with the these offers, and asking you to sign the agreements with those other companies and organisations outside.

They will than make everything seems easy for you to get the cooperation. They company or NGOs abroad will make it easy for these Melanesian leaders, ordinary MPs, or governors or ministers in Melanesia, all are targeted.

The MIS Director says:

They will mostly send women! Again, they will send woman! Their job is first of all to distract your attention, and secondly to easily agree with he offers that she brings. They know how Melanesians would react to and treat women from Asia. Indeed. They will “smile”, yes big SMILE. MIS calls this “a lion smile“, not a human smile. “A lion smile” is a kind of big smile that is starving and ready to eat up your identity and dignity as a Melanesian.

Now, what they have done today is they have managed to get married with so many Melanesians MPs in Papua Barat and Papua Provinces in West Papua, and in many provinces in Papua New Guinea, some in the Solomon Islands, many in Fiji and a number of women in Vanuatu.

MIS Director also reported

Most of these women will use Malaysian Passports. They will also use passports from Brunei, Nepal and the Philippines. Some will use Thai Passports. They are also equipped with very basic skills in yoga or what Indonesia calls “Senam”. They will be fluent in English, and they will promote their skill as a way into investment and promoting international NGOs.

They will also promote issues that will finally destroy Melanesian way of life and paradigm. They will tell you that the Melanesian Way of Thinking, behaving and living is bad, and you have to change. What does it mean? It means you have to change become Malayo-Indos.

If you start thinking all things that we have in Melanesia, including your self-image and self-confidence as a Melanesian leader as bad, less, missing something, that means your self-image is starting to shake. Then be sure, you are no longer a proper Melanesian leader. You become puppet of someone else.

Remember, being a Melanesian is not just by skin and hair, it is more important by the way you think, you speak, you relate to yourself and your world and by the way you act.

These Indonesian women are more prepared to do anything and everything, primarily starting with very seriously taking care of yourself as a leader and as a husband, which, unfortunately we have to be honest, most Melanesian women neglect to do. Most of our Melanesian women are focused on bearing children and looking after them. Full stop! What about their husbands? Most of the time, Melanesian husbands are neglected and most of the time refused to talk, to go around together and to do many things together. They are busy with their children and their won families.

Malayo-Indos women do the opposite. They set aside their children their families and their own interests. They put what their husbands wants and needs at first and more important than their own. They say “Good bye Daddy!” when you leave home. And they quickly come out to the door, welcome you and say, “Welcome back Daddy!” when you return home. They check your suits, ties and shoes, how you look and how you feel before you leave the house. In other words, they make you “their big and grown up babies”. And of course, this is all men wants and needs.

The purpose of their mission is only ONE: to stop you from thinking a lot, do things and campaigning for a Free and Independent West Papua.

They are telling all key Melanesian leaders that security and economic development in Melanesia is more important than to think and talk about Free West Papua.

They say that it is better we keep Melanesia away from western influences and promote more Asian influences because Asians and Melanesians are closer geographically and socio-culturally.

Indonesia Already Allocated USD$4,279,387.8203 for this opeartion

They have spared USD$4,279,387.8203, that is Indonesian IDR60,000,000,000.00 as reported in many Indonesian local and national media. One of them is TabloidJubi of West Papua. This report by Tabloid Jubi West Papua says from the 13 nation-states in the pacific, there are 7 nation-states that support West Papua campaign for self-determination.

The first thing they bring in is “business deals”. They have spared USD$4,279,387.8203, that is Indonesian IDR60,000,000,000.00 as reported in many Indonesian local and national media. One of them is TabloidJubi of West Papua. This report by Tabloid Jubi West Papua says from the 13 nation-states in the pacific, there are 7 nation-states that support West Papua campaign for self-determination.

Indonesian Defense and Security Minister Gen. Wiranto says the money is allocated for the following purposes:

  1. The first is promoting “Good Profile” of Papua Land with the amount of IDR 20,000,000,000.00
  2. Improve cooperation between Indonesia and the South Pacific IDR 15,000,000,000.00
  3. Cooperation among International Organisations in the South Pacific IDR 15,000,000,000.00
  4. Security Management in Border between Australia and South Pacific DIR 5,000,000,000.00
  5. Imporiving Intelligence Cooperation between Australia and the South Pacific IDR 5,000,000,000.00

The Last Question Would be?

Questioning ourselves, each one of us, particularly we, Members of Parliament, Politicians, Ministers, and Governors across Melanesia:

  1. Am I one of those victims that MIS is talking about?
  2. Am I serving for my Melanesia-hood, or for Asia-hood?
  3. Am I sacrificing my Melanesian race for the interest of my personal biological and economic benefits?
  4. Am I a curse or a blessing for my Melanesia-hood?

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